Tuesday, March 12, 2024


North Coast Repertory Theatre is presenting Molière’s -French comic actor and dramatic theoretician- “Tartuffe”. Deftly directed by Richard Baird, translated into English verse by Richard Wilbur and with a stellar cast, the 2+ hour production rolls along with the audience so engrossed, it hardly notices the passing of time. It will be playing through April 7th.

Kate Rose Reynolds and Bruce Turk

Set in Paris in 1664, it’s right out of this year’s political playbook if you think about it. Rumors, lies, accusations, fraud, deceit, gossip, allegations and religious hypocrisy are the ingredients associated with the man revered by MMe Pernelle (Kandis Chappell) and her rich patron son, Orgon (Bo Foxworth), the barefooted and irreverent Tartuffe (Bruce Turk). 

 Tartuffe, (Turk a most talented and perfect actor to be in this role) who presents himself as a humble and religious man, one might say priestly, is invited into Orgon’s home because of his religious nature and is so revered by Orgon that he (Orgon) breaks off the engagement of his daughter Mariane (Shantè DeLoach) to Valere (Jared Van Heel) and promises her hand to Tartuffe.

Katie Karel, Bo Foxworth, Shante DeLoach 

Things go from bad to worse as everyone in Orgon’s household can see right through Tartuffe . They do everything in their wake to put a stop to this silliness, except it’s not so silly:  it's madness and meanness spoken in rhyming verse. 

Whether it’s Orgon’s son, Damis (Rogelio Douglas III) itching for a duel, or his maid Dorine (Katie Karel) who can spot a louse and an imposter a mile away and isn’t afraid to say, or his lovely wife Elmire (Melanie Lora) whose advances she tries to subvert, the play has its many laughs while fraught with danger from the likes of Tartuffe. Kandis Chappell (making two brief appearances) is duped into thinking the world of Tartuffe as well. The only calm one in the house is Orgon’s brother, Cleante (Christopher M. Williams) but to no avail.  Rounding out the cast Kate Rose Reynolds who appears as several characters including a soldier of the guard to the King. She ends up saving the day, but you have to go to see how!

Rogelio Douglas iii

Eventually, everything falls into place as we all hold our collected breaths’, while watching the rags to riches Tartuffe get his due.

Adding much depth to this excellent production is long time set designer Marty Burnett’s grand living room, with, the elegant period costumes by Elisa Benzoni, Ian Scotts sound design Matt Novotny’s lighting  design, and Peter Herman’s wigs befitting each character. 

Melanie Lora, Bruce Turk

Two thumbs up to Richard Baird and his all-star cast for a scrumptious day/evening of theatre. It doesn’t get much better than this for a 300 + year old theatre piece that seems so relevant today.

Bruce Turk and Bo Foxworth

Much truth is said in jest and this satire of grand proportions couldn't have been said any better or performed in such grand manner. 

Bruce Turk, Melanie Lora and Bo Foxworth (Under the table)

See you at the theatre.

When: 7 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays; 8 p.m. Fridays; 2 and 8 p.m. Saturdays; 2 and 7 p.m. and Sundays. Extended through April 7th.

Where: North Coast Repertory Theatre, 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Solana Beach

Tickets: $54-$79

Photo: Aaron Rumley

Phone: (858) 481-1055

Online: northcoastrep.org

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